On August 12, 2022, the Erasmus+ National Office in Ukraine held an online webinar for Erasmus+ winning project teams: Jean Monet "Jean Monet Projects: Mandatory Steps for Signing a Grant Agreement." During the event, Kateryna Zhdanova provided information on the peculiarities of working on the Funding & Tenders Portal for the validation of the organization and LEAR, explained the important steps and technical details of working with grant agreements in the office of the project coordinator. At the end of the event, there was a dialogue between the participants of the event in the format of "questions and answers".
The event was attended by Olena Kotykova and Mykola Babych, members of the РO "Regional Center of European Educational Scientific Enterprises", academic coordinator and executive of the winning team of the EU Erasmus+ Program Jean Monnet Moduli "Building a European Model of Agricultural Land Use in terms of the Sustainable Development" BELUS - 101084428 - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-MODULE.
We thank the organizers of the event for the meaningful webinar and support for the winners in the preparation of the grant agreement!