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Assistance of foreign organizations to Ukrainian scientists. Get to know – University of Kassel

Today we met another university in Germany. This acquaintance is a very significant event for us, because the University of Kassel has the Kassel Institute for Sustainability ( The University of Kassel also has one of the largest Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences ( The faculty includes three large departments, which include the Department of Economic, social and food sciences, and has 22 departments.

We were lucky enough to talk with the head of the International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance department – Prof. Andreas Thiel. During the conversation, we found many common and interesting topics, so we arranged a personal meeting for their detailed discussion directly at the University of Kassel. The specifics of the faculty and department fully correspond to our topic of scientific research, so we look forward to meeting!

Photo of the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences from the University of Kassel website (


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