The plenary session of the Internationalscientific-practical conference "Agriculture sustainability is the basis of food security of Ukraine", which took place on January 20, 2022 (10: 00-12:20), was attended by 66 participants.
Speakers at the plenary session:
Michal Lošťák, Prof. PhDr., First Vice-Rector Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic) with a report "Agricultural sustainability and food security or food sovereignty";
Piotr Prus, Assoc. Prof. Dr., PhD, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology (Poland) with a report "Innovative solutions in agribusiness on the example of EIP-AGRI Operational Groups – Ancient Grain, Gardena and New Grass";
Holly Barlow, PhD Student Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic) with a report "Devising An English rural food system framed by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and climate change challenges";
Oleksandra Liashenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the University of Economics and Law "KROK" (Ukraine) with a report "Hybrid threats to Ukraine's food security".
The speakers' reports can be found in the attached file. Video materials of the plenary session are posted at the link