Congratulations Prof. Dr. Olena Kotykova on starting work in the Scientific Committee of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance!
To the field of activity of Prof. Olena Kotykova as an academic expert of the Scientific Committee of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance includes:
1. Consultations and information regarding positions and strategic initiatives of DIGITAL SME
2. Involvement of digital SMEs in key academic research projects
3. Facilitation of partnership regarding key EU Programs (for example, Horizon Europe)
4. Facilitating agreements with universities, including but not limited to the selection of qualified students or researchers for DIGITAL SME staff
Olena Kotykova, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Accounting and Economic Analysis of the Admiral Makarov National Shipbuilding University, is currently the only representative from Ukraine in the Scientific Committee of the European DIGITAL SME Alliance.
We wish Prof. Dr. Olena success in the implementation of the new projects!